Hawk Watch on the High Trestle Trail

By Kerri on October 5, 2015 in Blog

Join us at the High Trestle Hawk Watch! Professionals and novice alike are invited to attend this family-friendly event. Naturalists form Dallas and Boone counties, the Iowa DNR, Iowa Audubon and the Iowa Wildlife Center will be on hand to answer questions and identify species. In past years, attendees have seen up to 171 raptors and 45 other bird species!

SwainsonsHawk.RWBlackbird-SueSchulties WEB

When: Oct. 10, 2015 | 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Where: High Trestle Bridge's main viewing platform on the west side of the bridge and the new shelter on the East side of the bridge.

Binoculars and viewing scopes will be provided, but we encourage you to bring your own binoculars, refreshments, and lawn chairs. The event will occur rain or shine.

For more information, contact Marlene Ehresman of the Iowa Wildlife Center at mehresman@iowawildlifecenter.org or 515-291-3000.
