High Trestle Trail

Trails Guide

Your Trail: Developing multi-use trails in Iowa

Trails create space for people, wildlife, education, land preservation, public health, local business diversification and community engagement. Running through city centers, suburbs and rural communities, trails showcase what Iowa has to offer.

Since the early 1980s, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation has actively helped communities and counties create multi-use trails throughout the state with a focus on transforming discontinued rail corridors. To date, INHF has helped create over 65 percent of Iowa’s rail-trails. 

Your Trail

This guide aims to help local trail advocates become familiar with the trail creation process. It offers information and advice at an introductory level for people familiarizing themselves with trail creation, while also offering insight from INHF’s decades of experience. The guide is organized in a way to allow readers to refer to phase-oriented information throughout the process.

The pages here offer a slightly paired down summary of the full manual, which is available for download as a pdf here


As always, INHF is happy to serve as a resource throughout the process and happy to assist where able. Contact Trails & Greenways Director Andrea Boulton at aboulton@inhf.org