Do you love Iowa’s outdoors?
Iowa’s parks, trails, wildlife, soil and water are all part of our quality of life and cause for celebration! Connect with legislators and meet other Iowans passionate about protecting spaces for outdoor recreation and caring for our natural resources. The day will feature breakfast, interactive displays, engaging speakers and the opportunity to share your own motivations for celebration.
This is a free event! Children are welcome. Come for any or all of the day. Your presence will help show lawmakers that Iowans care about nature.
To register visit the Eventbrite page.
Tentative agenda:
7:45 AM – Press conference
8-9 AM – Breakfast buffet
9 AM – 12 PM – Browse displays, practice effective advocacy with your legislators and hear messages from a variety of speakers
- The Nature Conservancy Iowa
- Iowa Bicycle Coalition
- Iowa County Conservation System
- Izaak Walton League
- Iowa Wildlife Federation