The Iowa legislature has two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each legislative district represents approximately the same number of constituents based on U.S. census data. The Iowa legislature convenes every year in January and works through April or until a budget is adopted.
Legislative committees play an important role in creating new laws and appropriating funds to existing programs. Each chamber has standing committees that focus on a particular subject.
When a bill is introduced, it is assigned to a committee, which appoints a three-person subcommittee. The subcommittee holds public hearings to gather input. The legislature moves at a fast pace — a bill can be introduced and a subcommittee hearing set in as little as 24 hours.
Prompt response and followup throughout the legislative session is important for effective advocacy.
Committees most relevant to INHF legislative priorities include:
Policy Committees
- Natural Resources
- Agriculture
- Environmental Protection
- Ways & Means
- Appropriations
Joint Appropriation Subcommittees
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Transportation, Infrastructure, and Capital
To learn more about committee structure and find full listings of legislative committees, committee members and committee schedules, visit www.legis.iowa.gov/committees.
If you have questions about ongoing bills, legislative schedules, daily reports and legislative history, you can contact the Legislative Information Office (LIO) at 515-281-3566 or online at www.legis.iowa.gov.
Understanding the Legislative Process