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Winter Workday at Perkins Prairie (Jefferson)

INHF acorn logo

Curb your cabin fever with a morning outdoors! Volunteers will remove brush and non-native plants from the prairie at Perkins Prairie. People are welcome to stay and hike the prairie after the event.

Invasive brush removal involves using various hand tools (handsaws or loppers) to manually cut invasive brush. Participants may work alongside or with an experienced chain sawyer. No experience necessary. Instruction will be provided. New and seasoned volunteers welcome.

An RSVP is required. Space is limited (this event will be capped at 20 attendees). Please arrive early to park and check-in.

Please note: We are aware of the increase in cases of COVID-19 in Iowa, are monitoring the situation and will adjust or reschedule the event if necessary. Any changes to the event will be posted here. 


Perkins Prairie Preserve is a 30-acre prairie preserve in Greene County. Carroll Perkins and Karen Voge-Perkins donated the property, which features gently rolling hills of remnant prairie, to INHF in 2014. It is now owned and stewarded by INHF. 


INHF is implementing a few new changes to our events to help ensure everyone stays safe and healthy.

  • We are asking EVERY volunteer to complete a COVID Liability Form and Volunteer Liability Waiver prior to attending any events. Completed forms may be sent to Volunteer Coordinator Melanie Schmidt at prior to the event. Please include the name of the event you plan to attend in the subject line. Forms will also be available on site the day of the event, though we encourage you to complete it in advance to help limit close interaction.
  • Event attendees are asked/expected to wear a mask during the initial check in and introduction. Attendees who are comfortable wearing a mask during the work portion of the event are encouraged to do so but may remove them if they are able to appropriately distance themselves from other attendees.
  • We will be providing all the necessary equipment, but are asking each volunteer to bring along their own work gloves, mask and water bottle. Hand sanitizer will be available at the work day and all equipment will be wiped down prior and after use by INHF staff.
  • Attendance at events will be limited. Capacity will vary depending on event locations. 

Thank you for helping us ensure we can all safely enjoy being on the land. Please email Volunteer Coordinator Melanie Schmidt at with any questions or concerns.

  • Sturdy shoes or hiking boots, long pants and layers
  • Mask, work gloves and water bottle
  • A hiking stick, binoculars, field guide and/or camera, if you like

Perkins Prairie Preserve, across the road to the west from Seven Hills County Park, just outside Jefferson.

> Google Map


Contact Volunteer Coordinator Melanie Schmidt at 

Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation is committed to an equitable opportunity for volunteers to gather, in which we strive toward an environment that is both safe and welcoming for all. INHF continues to work toward creating a more inclusive environment that encourages, supports and affirms the diverse backgrounds of our volunteers. Attendees whose words, actions or behaviors make other attendees feel unsafe or unwelcome at INHF volunteer events will be asked to leave.  


Saturday, February 27, 2021

10:00am - 12:00pm

Perkins Prairie
Jefferson, IA

Melanie Schmidt