Hagie Nominations

Hagie Award Nominations

Dedicated conservation volunteers and professionals are the keys to protecting Iowa’s natural beauty. The Lawrence and Eula Hagie Heritage Award has been given yearly through Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation since 1989.

Hagie Award winners are presented with a $1,500 prize and a hand-carved sculpture recognizing their conservation achievements. All nominees will receive notification and a complementary INHF membership.

Eligibility rules

  1. The most important eligibility requirement was defined by the Hagie family: The award should go to an Iowan “who demonstrates an extraordinary personal service and commitment to improving the quality of Iowa’s natural environment and who encourages others to do the same.”
  2. Most past awards have gone to volunteers. Conservation professionals are eligible to receive the award, but the judges’ focus will be on activities that go above and beyond their job duties.
  3. The following groups are NOT eligible: posthumous nominations, self-nominations, political officials or candidates. INHF staff are not eligible to be nominated, and may not nominate others.

Past award recipients range from conservationists to doctors, farmers and retired Iowans. They include people who encourage energy for conservation, provide environmental education, initiate and support county conservation projects, protect and restore their own land or enthusiastically speak for Iowa’s natural resources.

Nomination process

Those wishing to nominate an individual for the Hagie Heritage Award should submit at least two letters of recommendation from different sources (no more than five letters, please.) A nomination by a family member is not encouraged, but is accepted if accompanied by two non-family nominations.

Letters may be sent via mail or email. They do not need to arrive in one package. However, if sending items separately, please note who else will be writing additional letters.

Nominations are judged according to four criteria: personal commitment, scope and longevity of effort, effectiveness of effort and alignment with INHF’s mission.

The letters should outline what the nominee has personally done for Iowa’s natural heritage and how the nominee has encouraged others to protect natural resources. Please include the following information in recommendation letters:

  1. Nominator’s name, title, address, phone and email
  2. Nominee’s name, occupation, address, phone and email
  3. Nominee’s outstanding personal conservation/environmental activities (ex: backyard prairie planting, soil conservation practices on farm, invasive species control, etc.). NOTE: Even if your nomination is based on one key conservation accomplishment, you’ll strengthen the nomination by showing the nominee’s long-term and wide-ranging involvement in other conservation activities as well.
  4. Nominee’s outstanding personal conservation/environmental activities with organizations (nonprofit, private, public agency, etc.). If the nominee is considered a professional in the conservation/environmental field, state how they have gone beyond expectations and performed above and beyond the job description.
  5. How the nominee has encouraged others in natural resources protection (ex: presentations, work with children, tours, teaching informally, etc.).
  6. When possible, indicate how long the nominee has been involved in key activities. Long-term involvement is a big plus.
  7. Any other information you would like to share: past awards, etc.

Please send all nominations, correspondence and/or any questions to Clara Wodny, communications intern, at cwodny@inhf.org.

Mailing address:
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
Attn: Clara Wodny
505 5th Ave, Suite 444
Des Moines, IA 50309