10 Holiday Gifts for Nature Lovers

By Taylor on November 27, 2012 in Blog

It’s that time of year again! Soon snow will be falling, students will be enjoying lengthy amounts of time off of school, and everyone will be consuming copious amounts of delicious food.

Though at INHF we know that the holidays can be a stressful time too. We get it – finding the perfect gift for family members or that special someone can be difficult. But never fear! The INHF interns are here to help keep your holidays merry and bright with these ten great gifts for nature lovers.

2013 INHF Calendar Nature Lovers Kit Birdseed Strawberries Lifesaver Water Bottle Adopt an animal!

1. INHF calendar 2. Etsy 3. Gardener’s Supply Company 4. Lifesaver Systems 5. National Wildlife Federation

Check back on Friday for the second part of our holiday gift list!