Around Iowa: Slithering Snakes & Blue Bird Houses
By Taylor on March 7, 2013 in Blog
Photo by Ron Huelse
Slithering Snakes – Saturday, March 9 from 10 to 11 a.m.
Spend the morning with herpetologist Don Becker at the Wickiup Hill Learning Center to learn all about the native snakes of Linn County. Get a hands-on look at some native reptiles and a few exotic ones too!
Cost for families is $5, or $2.50 for adults and $1 for children over the age of six. For more information, visit the event website.
Blue Bird Houses – Sunday, March 10 from 1 to 3 p.m.
Join the Warren County Conservation Board at Indianola’s Annett Nature Center for an afternoon of fun constructing homes for our feathered friends. All lumber is made from durable cedar and the wood is precut, so all you need to do is assemble and decorate!
This program is open to crafters and bird lovers of all ages. Each bird house kit will cost $10.