Congrats to INHF Land Projects Director, Heather Jobst
By Taylor on February 22, 2013 in Blog

Congratulations to INHF Land Projects Director Heather Jobst for receiving theIowa Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Bureau’s 2012 Partnership Award!
This award is given to an individual whose work with the DNR has “resulted in significant accomplishments and advancements of DNR goals and objectives.” These partnerships not only benefit the DNR but the partner and their organization as well.
We asked Doug Janke, who works on special projects with the Iowa DNR, to tell us a little bit about why he nominated Heather for this award:
“I offered up Heather for this award because of past, very positive work experiences I have had with her over several years and because many other DNR staff members reference her when talking about big and valuable projects they are working on and which have come to fruition. Whatever the cooperative effort may be – acquisition, easement, shared expenses for outside services – she is always willing to work with us and she is very successful.”
Make sure you congratulate Heather the next time you see her! We’re proud to have a staff made up of such dedicated, passionate individuals.