DIY Acorn Decor
By Taylor on August 29, 2013 in Blog

This DIY project will have you looking at acorns as more than just squirrel food!
With a coat of paint, acorns can be used to make inexpensive, eye-catching fall decorations.
What you'll need:
- Acorns (preferably large)
- Folk acrylic paint – Calypso Sky, Maple Syrup, Titanium White*
- Paint brush
- Satin Mod Podge
Cover the table or surface where you plan to paint; you can use something as simple as part of a newspaper. Then, cover the acorns with a base coat of white paint. Leave acorns to dry. You may want to roll them over occasionally so all sides have a chance to dry and don't stick to the table covering.
After the base coat has dried, paint the bottoms of the acorns blue with the calypso sky paint. Leave them to rest sitting on their tops while the paint dries.
Next, use the maple syrup paint to make the acorn tops brown. Be careful when painting the edges so you don't get brown paint on the blue bottoms!
Once painted, seal the acorns with a layer of mod podge. It also helps add a little shine!
After the mod podge has dried, place the acorns in a clear vase and display to add a unique, fall feel to your home.
The idea for this DIY Project came from Painted and Podged acorns.
*Feel free to substitute paint colors to fit your preference