Early Winter Prairie Prowl

By Taylor on November 12, 2013 in Blog


Fall hike at Prairie Heritage Center
-Pam Halverson

It's almost time for the O'Brien County Conservation Board's final prairie prowl of the year!

The early winter prairie prowl will take place Tuesday, November 19, 2013, from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Prairie Heritage Center in O'Brien County.

This year the O'Brien County Conservation Board has already hosted four events for individuals to see the tall grass prairie throughout the different seasons. During previous prowls, participants “took a snowy stomp, sought the first pasque flower of spring, investigated the showy flowers of summer and savored the brilliant colors of fall.”


A successful find at the pasque flower search earlier this year.
- Staff at O’Brien County Conservation Board

At this event, participants will look for patterns that have popped out now that some color has disappeared from the prairie. Along the way individuals will see seed heads, grass stalks and branches in a different way, and exploring the prairie under the setting sun will add to this unique experience.

Participants are encouraged to dress for the weather and to wear appropriate footwear for walking along a trail.

For more information, call the Prairie Heritage Center at 712-295-7200.