Estate Planning—In the Autumn of Your Life

By Stacie Couvillon on October 20, 2023 in Blog

A family walks through a woodlandAutumn is a time of transition and a time for reflection. It can also be a good time for contemplative thinking about plans for the future of your family and community when you may not be there; a time for thinking about your estate plans. Estate planning doesn’t have to be complicated — rather, approach estate planning as a way to create your legacy and impact generations to come. It can be as straightforward as establishing a connection with an attorney and formally writing your will. Spelling out your wishes for the future is the best way to protect your family and the causes you love.

Many Iowans have chosen to include INHF in their will or estate plans as a legacy gift. Your legacy gift with INHF can provide straightforward support for our mission or directly benefit a specific project, program or area of Iowa that you feel passionate about. When you talk to and involve INHF in your planning, our staff can help you craft your conservation legacy in a way that is most impactful. 

An INHF supporter since 1985, David Dickinson wanted to ensure his gift could continue into the future. After visiting with staff to explore options, Dickinson chose to direct his gift to support trail work across the state. Dickinson encourages other supporters to do the same, saying, “I think more people should consider including charitable organizations in their wills as a way to provide meaningful support into the future.”

A gift of land through your will or estate plans is also an impactful way to create and support your legacy of conservation. Jon and Joyce Bahrenfus have designated in their wills that their 150-acre Boone County property should come to INHF. Jon and Joyce feel comfortable knowing that INHF will care for their beautiful, wooded property in the same manner as they have been doing since 1990 – protecting it from development, managing the health of the timber and removing invasive species.  INHF respects the enormity of their gift and is privileged to be trusted with its care.

Image of staff member Stacie CouvillonPlanning ahead in this way not only provides INHF with stability but leaves a legacy of conservation and outdoor recreation for future Iowans. If you’re interested in including INHF in your estate plans, please reach out to Stacie Couvillon at or by calling (515) 288-1846, ext. 45. 

Helpful estate planning websites: