Exploring Iowa: Cedar Waxwing

By Lexi on November 7, 2012 in Blog

Photo by Stan Buman

Does this Cedar Waxwing look familiar?

This image, captured by Stan Buman in Carroll County, was first featured in our 2006 calendar.

The Cedar Waxwing is one of the few North American birds that eats almost exclusively fruit. These medium-sized birds can survive on fruit alone for several months at a time. Though if Cedar Waxwings encounter and ingest overripe, fermented berries, they may become intoxicated and even die.

Although these birds can be found in Iowa year-round, fall is the perfect time to catch them feasting on berries. Since there’s no ice on the branches yet, get out and see if you can spot the Cedar Waxwing.

If you’re in the area, stop by the Sauk Rail Trail in Carroll County and enjoy the rolling hills near Swan Lake.