Gifts from new INHF donors matched by Principal Financial Group Foundation
By Katie on January 13, 2016 in Blog
Volunteers from Principal Financial Group volunteer at Lone Tree Point on Clear Lake, an INHF project.
Thank you to The Principal Financial Group Foundation, which has just renewed its support for the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation. Their $25,000 unrestricted grant serves as a challenge grant for new members. Every time a new member donates to INHF, their gift is matched by The Principal Financial Group Foundation.
This isn’t the first time Principal has supported INHF. In fact, they’ve contributed consistently ever since INHF was formed and they’ve been matching new gifts to INHF for many years. Through their generosity they have encouraged Iowans to join in our mission, helping to create a stable and growing membership that had made INHF ever stronger and more effective over time.
And it doesn’t stop there. Several of Principal Financial Group’s corporate leaders have volunteered their leadership on the INHF board of directors, and the company’s employees often volunteer with the organization.
INHF is grateful for this corporate commitment to Iowa’s land and communities, and we look forward to continuing this strong relationship for years to come.