Halloween Hike
By Taylor on October 22, 2013 in Blog
Halloween in Des Moines is not all about the spook and scare!
The Des Moines Parks and Recreation are hosting a family friendly Halloween Hike at Four Mile Community Center. The free event will take place on Oct. 28 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
The outdoor trail hike, roughly one-third of a mile in distance, will take approximately 30 minutes after which families can head inside for crafts, treats and bounce house fun. There will be characters along the hike course, like the Wicked Witch of Waste, to educate the families about respecting the environment.
Participants are required to preregister before Oct. 25 and can do so by calling (515) 237-1386. Hikers are also encouraged to wear costumes!
If the weather is uncooperative, the event will be moved inside of the Four Mile Community Center. In this instance, it will consist of an abbreviated hike followed by the other fun activities!