Hoover Nature Trail section gets new life, 5K run/walk planned
By Kerri Sorrell on September 27, 2013 in Blog

Section of the Hoover Nature Trail near Nichols in Muscatine County.
A section of the Hoover Nature Trail is seeing new life thanks to the town of Nichols and the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF).
The Muscatine County segment of the Hoover Nature Trail, now owned by INHF after funding for the overall trail ran out, has received renewed community interest in reviving and upgrading a section that extends three miles north of Nichols and another that stretches four miles south of the town.
“We're encouraged by the community's desire to revive the trail and create a Friends Group to keep up with its care,” said Lisa Hein, INHF Program and Planning Director. “It's very exciting to see the increase in local involvement and support.”
The mayor of Nichols, Cyle Geertz, along with the members of the Nichols Betterment Committee and residents from West Liberty, Conesville, Nichols and Muscatine have already begun work on the trail sections, including removing weeds and re-grading the gravel trail. Nichols hopes to one day connect the trail section north of town to the West Liberty section and the section south of town to the Conesville portion. In the future, Mayor Geertz would also like to make the trail paved rather than crushed rock and place educational spots focused on local history along the route.
The public is invited to see what restoration work has already been completed along the trail section north of Nichols by participating in a 5k fun run/walk this Saturday, September 28th, during the Nichols October Festival. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. north of Nichols, off of Main Street. The run/walk will begin at 8:00 a.m. There will be a goodwill donation to support community projects in Nichols, including the trail revitalization.
For more information on the trail improvements or the run/walk, please contact Lee Geertz at lgeertz@lcom.net or at 319-430-1359.