INHF member wins Spencer Award
By Taylor on September 11, 2014 in Blog
Leigh Adcock, an INHF member since 2011, has recently been awarded the Spencer Award for Sustainable Agriculture.
Leigh was nominated by the Women, Food and Agriculture board of Directors. Leigh served as the director of the Women, Food and Agriculture from June 2008 to August 2014.
“Her collaborative leadership and innovative approach to expanding support and resources has greatly benefited agricultural women in Iowa; however these benefits extend well beyond women,” says Angie Carter, on behalf of the board. “Increasing the visibility and raising the voice of agricultural women creates new opportunities for Iowa’s farming families, strengthens the social fabric and local economies of our rural communities and improves the ecological health for the land for future generations.”
INHF would like to congratulate Leigh for all her hard work to help improve Iowa’s land, water, and wildlife.
*The Spencer Award is one of the largest and longest-running awards of its kind in Iowa. It recognizes farmers, teachers and researchers who have made significant contributions to the environmental and economic stability of Iowa’s farms.
To learn more about the Spencer Award, click here.