Into the Wild & Out with the Mustard
By Taylor on May 11, 2015 in Blog

Volunteers remove invasive garlic mustard from Heritage Valley.
Join INHF to combat invasive garlic mustard (via hand-pull) at our third annual “Into the Wild & Out with the Mustard!” volunteer event.
When: Saturday, May 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Heritage Valley, an INHF-owned property 20 miles northeast of Decorah
Why: Garlic mustard, a highly-invasive, non-native plant, can seriously degrade woodlands when left unchecked. Having been described as the “most fun invasive species pull in the state,” this event is a chance to meet others passionate about Iowa's resources, enjoy the spring outdoors and hear the “cowboy poetry” of Jon Steege during lunch. But more importantly, removing these plants helps preserve the northeastern woodlands of Iowa.
Plus! Lunch and other refreshments–including morning coffee–will be provided. Those working the second shift are welcome to come early for lunch, which will be served at noon.
How: To register, contact INHF Volunteer Coordinator Mary Runkel by May 13 at or 515-288-1846.
Though those of all ages and abilities are encouraged to attend the mustard pull, volunteers should note that the terrain can be steep and uneven. Participants are asked to bring work gloves and a portable water bottle.