Iowa By Trail: Help spread the word!
By Kerri on April 24, 2014 in Blog
It’s official: We are only one week away from enjoying Iowa’s outdoors with the new Central Iowa version of Iowa By Trail! What trails are you excited to explore?
We’ll have updates throughout the week of what you can expect from the app—and how you can get involved! But first, help us spread the word.
To show your support, change one of your Facebook photos to the images below. In the description, make sure to tell people how they can find out more. A sample description is provided below. If you want to customize your support, you can also post a picture of you on your favorite Iowa trail! We want to promote the trails and the app together, celebrating the exciting upcoming season of getting outdoors!
What to include in your photo description:
Facebook profile picture

Facebook cover photo

May 1st event invite—share on your newsfeed!

Want to tweet and post? Here’s a sample:
Soon, all of Iowa’s trails will be just a tap away. The Central Iowa version of Iowa By Trail, Iowa’s new smartphone trails guide, is launching May 1st! Learn more and “Like” the Iowa By Trail page here: [LINK TO PAGE]
And remember to use our official hashtags: #IowaByTrail #GetOutdoors
Have questions or ideas? Let us know at!