Iowa By Trail update
By Kerri on April 18, 2014 in Blog

INHF and Shift are working around the clock to make sure the Central Iowa version of Iowa By Trail is ready for you to explore on May 1st. We have beta testers hitting the trails to test the app, volunteers out finding hidden gems and photographers snapping pictures of some of Iowa’s most beloved recreation areas. We can’t wait for you to see it!
On May 1st, here’s what you can expect: All Central Iowa trails will be usable, with trailheads and paths clearly marked. You’ll be able to track your journey, take photos and share your trail experiences through social media. Who knows—maybe we’ll start using the app for RAGBRAI training!
The best part of Iowa By Trail? In our opinion, it’s what we call the “Points of Interest (POI)”—places to stop and see along the trail. Whether it’s a birding area, historical museum, ice cream shop or water station, these special places are what make Iowa trails unique. Come May 1st, you’ll be able to see these POIs for four major trails: the Raccoon River Trail, the High Trestle Trail, the Downtown Des Moines Riverwalk and the Great Western Trail. New trails and cities will be released as the weeks go by, so stay on the lookout for your favorite trail or town! We’ll be announcing when new trails are released on our Facebook and Twitter, so make sure you’re following us!
Have questions about the May 1st launch? Let us know in the comments.
Speaking of May 1st, we’re throwing a party. Spoiler alert: You’re invited.