Iowa winter travel tools

By Kerri on December 11, 2013 in Blog

Here in Iowa, winter weather is upon us once again. It’s the time of year to take extra precaution when driving and travelling, and luckily there are several state resources that allow drivers to stay safe on the roads and highways. We’ve compiled a list to keep you prepared this season:

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Weatherview, Iowa DOT
Weatherview allows you to view weather conditions all over the state. Updated multiple times an hour, the online database displays information for air temperature, dew point, visibility, road surface temperature and, in some locations, traffic data.

511, Iowa DOT
511 is your full guide to traffic reports, road conditions and travel hazards in Iowa. 511 allows you to enter a specific route (you can even save your most commonly travelled routes) or check conditions all over the state. You can access it online or download the mobile app (for both iPhone and Android).
Sigalert is a nationwide traffic speed monitoring system. Select points on major highway/travel routes and the site will display, in real time, the current traffic speeds. The site is especially helpful when determining alternative routes around accidents or road blocks.

Are there any other helpful travel resources you use? Let us know in the comments!