Leaving a Legacy
By Abby Hade Terpstra on May 11, 2020 in Blog
“Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.” John Muir
One hundred years of Iowa State Parks. Parks built with vision, perseverance and generosity. Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation has been around for forty of those years, as a partner to help special places to be public spaces.
So many Iowans contribute to the betterment of their community by opening their land up to be shared with others. So many Iowans recognize the value of privately protecting their land to help create larger areas where wildlife can thrive, water can be cleansed and soil protected. So many Iowans give their time to caring for the land, sharing their knowledge freely with the conservation community and giving their dollars to causes that keep nature a part of Iowa’s landscape.
This spring, many people are seeking comfort and finding solace, a sense of place and purpose in nature. We are thankful to have space to recreate outdoors – in our parks, trails and public lands – as we navigate uncertainty. We are thankful for the vision of folks who chose to leave a legacy that Iowans now and in the future can rely on. Thank you.