Looking Out for Iowa: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Posted on June 9, 2016 in Blog

Consider how you can make a difference in an ecosystem near you by recycling some of the water you u

Consider how you can make a difference in an ecosystem near you by recycling some of the water you use every day. Photo by Warren Taylor

Recycling isn’t just for last week’s newspapers or empty pop cans. Water can also be recycled. Learn about new ways to reduce, reuse and recycle water that will help keep money in your wallet and give the environment a boost.


Rain gardens, West Michigan Environmental Action Council

Help conserve water at home (and keep money in your bank account) by creating a rain garden. Rain gardens collect stormwater and prevent polluted runoff from traveling into water sources while adding beauty to your property.

Do's and don'ts around the home, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Polluted runoff is a concern in both rural and urban areas. Reduce your house's contributions to pollution by carefully handling and disposing of household chemicals, selecting landscaping layouts that prevent erosion, having annual inspections of your septic system and more.