Meet INHF's CRM Coordinator
By Rowan McMullen Cheng on April 1, 2019 in Blog

INHF is excited to welcome Kevin Cutsforth to the team as our new Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) Coordinator.
As CRM Coordinator, Kevin will develop and manage a new database to increase tracking efficiency and improve cohesiveness. “It’s all about improving connectivity; connecting staff across departments and increasing transparency in our work so we can deepen our connections with donors and landowners,” says Cutsforth.
Kevin grew up in Cedar Rapids, where his family would frequent the Cedar Valley Nature Trail and the Sac and Fox Trail. He found his love of nature at a very young age, fishing and frog-catching on camping trips with his family. Kevin graduated from the University of Iowa in Environmental Science with a certificate in Sustainability, furthering his interest in conservation and sustainability.
“The database is only as powerful as the people who are using it, and the way we handle our information matters,” INHF Donor Relations Director Abby Hade Terpstra said. “This new approach makes it quicker for us to make decisions, lets us connect better as teams even when we’re not close to each other, and gives us the ability to truly see each donor and landowner as an individual.”
In his free time, Kevin enjoys riding his bike with his dog Bear and relaxing at Brenton Arboretum.