Meet the Summer 2023 Land Stewardship Interns!

Posted on June 21, 2023 in Blog

Please join INHF in giving a warm welcome to our 16 land stewardship interns for the summer!

Loess Hills Land Stewardship Interns

Ethan RiedemannEthan

Hometown: Remsen, IA

Favorite native plant/animal: Largemouth bass

University: Warburg College

Major(s): Environmental Science and Studies

Minor(s): Leadership

“[I look forward to] learning about different conservation techniques with Kody and the other interns.”

Oscar SchaubertOscar Schaubert

Hometown: Austin, Texas

Favorite native plant/animal: Chipmunk and Bur oak

University: Cornell College

Major(s): Environmental Science, Data Science

“I’m most excited about learning about the native plants and ecology of Iowa.”

 Kylie TierneyKylie Tierney

Hometown: Missouri Valley, Iowa

Favorite native plant/animal: coreopsis, Northern Bobwhite

University: Simpson College

Major(s): Biology

“I am most excited for valuable hands-on experience and to learn more about prairie management and restoration!”

Central Iowa Land Stewardship Interns

Catherine CoggeshallCatherine Coggeshall

Hometown: Bolingbrook, IL

Favorite native plant/animal: Short-eared Owl

University: Iowa State University

Major(s): Animal Ecology

Minor(s): Microbiology

“I’m looking forward to gaining hands-on experience in land stewardship and conservation while learning more about Iowa’s native plant and animal species.”

Colton GilliamColton Gilliam

Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa

Favorite native plant/animal: Greater Prairie-Chicken

University: Iowa State University 

Major(s): Animal Ecology 

“I’m excited to learn more and see Iowa’s ecosystems across central Iowa, along with being able to identify plants and animals. I can’t wait to help restore Iowa’s land back to its native ecosystem and really feel myself making a difference.” 

Rachel SentsRachel Sents

Hometown: Gilbert, IA

Favorite native plant/animal: Blue eyed grass

University: Iowa State University

Major(s): Horticulture

Minor(s): Sustainability

“I am excited to learn conservation and restoration practices, build relationships with like minded peers, and see more of Iowa’s beautiful plants and animals.”

Nathan SchmittNathan Schmitt

Hometown: Winthrop, Iowa

Favorite native plant/animal: Shagbark hickory

University: Iowa State University

Major(s): Animal Ecology

“The thing that I am most excited about for this internship is working around the state and getting to see the different landscapes in Iowa. With that, I am also excited about getting to camp when we travel for work.”

Skylyr StewartSkylyr Stewart

Hometown: St. Mary's, IA

Favorite native plant/animal: Blue false indigo

University: University of Northern Iowa

Major(s): Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology

“Looking forward to learning about what prairie and woodland restoration is and what it all entails, as well as figuring out if this is something I would like to do for my future career.”

Jacob SuttonJacob Sutton

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

Favorite native plant/animal: Grey squirrel

University: Iowa State University

Major(s): Environmental Science

“I’m looking forward to being outdoors and learning what it takes to be in the field working in conservation.”

Eastern Iowa Land Stewardship Interns

Brock LeadersBrock Leaders

Hometown: Woodbine, IA

Favorite native plant/animal: Lead plant

University: University of Iowa

Major(s): Environmental Planning

“I’ve been in the Loess Hills my whole life so seeing more of Iowa’s landscape is going to be exciting. I’m also looking forward to learning new things from new people.”

Kylie McElmeelKylie McElmeel

Hometown: Cedar Rapids, IA

Favorite native plant/animal: Big blue stem, grey fox

University: Iowa State University

Major(s): Forestry

“[I look forward to] improving my plant ID and learning any new information I can.”

Blufflands Land Stewardship Interns

Ilario Balestrieri-FoxIlario Balestrieri-Fox

Hometown: Iowa City, IA

Favorite native plant/animal: Butterfly milkweed

University: University of Iowa

Major(s): Environmental Science

Minor(s): French 

“I’m most looking forward to improving my plant ID skills and learning about cool native plants of Northeast Iowa!”

Connor GittingsConnor Gittings

Hometown: Pleasant HillI, MO

Favorite native plant/animal: Wild geranium

University: Upper Iowa University

Major(s): Conservation Management

Minor(s): Marketing

“I am looking forward to gaining the skill of plant identification and feeling like I am making a difference at our visited sites along with getting my foot in the door for my future in conservation.”

Galen IversonGalen Iverson

Hometown: Decorah, IA

Favorite native plant/animal: Barred Owl

University: University of Iowa

Major(s): Environmental Science

“I am most looking forward to expanding my knowledge on the native ecology and helping to restore it in the area I grew up in!”

Will KoppWill Kopp

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Favorite native plant/animal: Michigan Lily

University: Upper Iowa University

Major(s): Conservation Management

Minor(s): Earth Systems

“I am looking forward to participating in and learning about restoration and stewarding remnant prairies around the state.”

Cael MeyerCael Meyer

Hometown: Dundee, Iowa 

Favorite native plant/animal: White-tailed deer

University: Upper Iowa University

Major(s): Conservation Management

Minor(s): Environmental Studies

“I hope to further my learning and use this internship to gauge where I will go next.”