Mines of Spain Addition Groundbreaking Ceremony
By Taylor on July 25, 2014 in Blog
photo from Jennifer at digitaldubuque.com
On Wednesday, June 25, Heather Jobst, INHF Land Projects Director, attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the Bottoms addition to Mines of Spain in Dubuque County, one of INHF’s first projects. The Mines of Spain project began in 1979, when INHF succeeded in setting aside the park’s original 1,240 acres.
The Bottoms addition is a 52-acre property adjacent to the Mines of Spain State Recreational Area (download map). This addition allows the park to provide safer access at the E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center.
Dubuque city officials view the new acquisition as “extremely important to buffer the park and interpretive center from development, and protect and enhance the park’s historical, archeological, cultural and natural resources.”
To view the video from the event, click here.
For more information on this project contact Brian Fankhauser, INHF Blufflands Program Manager.