Nature Walk: Dickcissels
By INHF on June 20, 2012 in Blog

Dickcissels are grassland birds that evolved in the tallgrass prairie. If a prairie is available they make use of its superb plant structure. Singing perches are the tallest plants such as this compass plant. The sturdy interior cluster of stalks of large old plants can provide for their finely woven nest with its pale blue eggs. They are also fairly common roadside birds. Listen for their song as you drive down the road. It sounds like their name repeated over and over.
We know it can be hard to find the time to get outside and experience Iowa’s immense natural beauty. So each week, we’ve decided to bring wildlife to you with our Nature Walk series. Check back every Monday for a new photo from Iowa wildlife photographer Carl Kurtz.
If you are interested in purchasing a print or requesting information on possible use for any of these photographs, please contact Carl at