Nature Walk: Green Dragon

By INHF on September 3, 2012 in Blog

All Rights Reserved Carl Kurtz

Skunk cabbage, jack-in-the-pulpit and green dragon appear to be anomalies when compared to more common wildflowers. Instead of sepals, petals, pistils and anthers, the inflorescence (or flower) of these plants consist of a spadix, which is enclosed by a leaf-like bract called a spathe. Most of us have seen jack-in–the-pulpits on a walk in the woods in mid-May. Skunk cabbage is less common its emerging spathe often melting the snow around it in February or March. And green dragon, pictured here, is found in woodland seeps in late spring. All are members of the family Araceae and commonly called Arums.

While it’s unlikely that you’ll spot a green dragon this time of year, these plants are unique botanical treasures and perfect for enjoyment during any season.

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