Nature Walk: Prairie blazing star

By Taylor on August 12, 2013 in Blog

“By any measure of beauty, Prairie blazing star is one of the most anticipated prairie species to bloom with its stunning tall magenta spikes. They belong to the Aster family along with a host of sunflowers and bloom from mid-to late July into mid-August. In the months after flowering, their seeds scatter with wind or rain and new plants are self-seeded.  They make wonderful garden flowers and attract butterflies.”

By any measure of beauty, Prairie blazing star is one of the most anticipated prairie species to bloom with its stunning tall magenta spikes. They belong to the Aster family along with a host of sunflowers and bloom from mid-to late July into mid-August. In the months after flowering, their seeds scatter with wind or rain and new plants are self-seeded. They make wonderful garden flowers and attract butterflies.

What prairie are you going to visit to see Prairie blazing stars when they are in bloom?

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