Picture perfect prairies
By Taylor on July 10, 2015 in Blog

A tour participant photographs a wood lily at Stinson Prairie State Preserve.
On Saturday, June 27, INHF president Joe McGovern led tours of three prairies in Kossuth County, co-sponsored by INHF, the Iowa Native Plant Society and the Iowa Prairie Network.
INHF vice president and development director Anita O’Gara and land stewardship director Erin Van Waus also attended the tours. “The neat thing about the day is that we had a variety of attendees – people who know prairie really well, those that enjoy photography and those that haven't ever set foot on a prairie,” Van Waus said. “So it was a nice mix of attendees of all ages.”
Stinson Prairie State Preserve
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Wildin Heritage Prairie
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Bernau Prairie
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