REAP In Your Region: Hitchcock Nature Area, Loess Hills and more

By Katie on November 4, 2015 in Blog

For the next six weeks, INHF will be sharing the impact Iowa's REAP program has in communities throughout the state. The Iowa DNR is hosting regional REAP Assemblies until Nov. 5, local meetings that allow residents to learn more about REAP and play a role in the programs policies and projects.


Region 17
Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Cass

REAP Assembly – Council Bluffs
Nov. 4, 2015 | Open house: 6-6:30 p.m., Assembly: 6:30-8 p.m.
Breezy Lodge (39357 310th Street, Neola, IA 51559)

HNC fall sky SMALL


Hitchcock Nature Area

From hiking trails to the Missouri River floodplain, the Hitchcock Nature Area offers a variety of landscapes that many migrating species call home. Located 15 miles outside of Council Bluffs, the park has grown to 830 acres of trails, campgrounds, educational programs, and much more. The preserve is one of the best areas to view hawks and other raptors during the migrating season. Many Iowans come to enjoy the view from the lodge's porch and walk the boardwalk. The Hitchcock Nature Area is only a success because of the constant stewardship and care Iowans put into the land.

REAP funding for this project: $770,800

Region 17
Region REAP Support (total): $17,797,659
