REAP In Your Region: Pine Lake State Park, Iowa River Greenbelt, Marietta Sand Prairie and more
By Katie on October 21, 2015 in Blog
For the next six weeks, INHF will be sharing the impact Iowa's REAP program has in communities throughout the state. The Iowa DNR is hosting regional REAP Assemblies until Nov. 5, local meetings that allow residents to learn more about REAP and play a role in the programs policies and projects.

Region 6
Hardin, Marshall, Poweshiek, Tama
REAP Assembly – Marshalltown
Oct. 21, 2015 | Open house: 6-6:30 p.m., Assembly: 6:30-8 p.m.
Grimes Farm – Conservation Center (2349 233rd St., Marshalltown, IA 50158)

Pine Lake State Park
Exploring the heavily-wooded Pine Lake State Park in the southwest part of the state is like stepping back in time. This 585-acre park features rolling bluffs and 250-year-old white pine trees. Visitors can pack a backpack and spend the night under the stars or opt for one of Pine Creek's quaint cabins along the Iowa River. The park is one of many public areas along the Iowa River Greenbelt, a 42-mile stretch of plush river valley. REAP funding has resulted in trail expansions, cabin upgrades and a $1.5 million dam and spillway rehabilitation.
REAP funding for this project: $2,330,063
Region 6
Region REAP Support (total): $9,010,950