REAP In Your Region: Sedan Bottoms Wildlife Management Area, Honey Creek State Park and more
By Kerri on October 15, 2015 in Blog
For the next six weeks, INHF will be sharing the impact Iowa's REAP program has in communities throughout the state. The Iowa DNR is hosting regional REAP Assemblies until Nov. 5, local meetings that allow residents to learn more about REAP and play a role in the programs policies and projects.

Region 18
Appanoose, Lucas, Monroe, Wayne
REAP Assembly – Chariton
Oct. 15, 2015 | Open house: 6-6:30 p.m., Assembly: 6:30-8 p.m.
Pin Oak Lodge (45996 Hwy. 14 Chariton, IA 50049)

Sedan Bottoms
Sedan Bottoms Wildlife Management Area is a sanctuary for many types of animals, plants and insects. Located in Southern Iowa, the property was declared a Se. Though the property has rich tree and woodland habitats for the birds, it is juxtaposed with the Chariton River and rolling hills of the Iowa Drift Plain. Here we can find Cattails, wetlands, Indiangrass and much more. In the sunny spots, one can find various milkweed bugs, butterflies and dragonflies. The impressive species variety of insects is growing every day.
REAP funding for this project: $224,200
Region 18
Region REAP Support (total): $19,173,815