REAP In Your Region: Stephens State Forest, Fairfield Loop Trail and more in southeast Iowa

By Haley Hodges on October 15, 2017 in Blog

For the next six weeks, INHF will be sharing the impact Iowa's REAP program has in communities throughout the state. The Iowa DNR is hosting regional REAP Assemblies until Oct. 26, local meetings that allow residents to learn more about REAP and play a role in the programs policies and projects. Find the full REAP Assembly schedule here. 

REAP in your region 15

Region 15

Davis, Jefferson, Keokuk, Mahaska, Van Buren and Wapello counties

REAP Assembly – Ottumwa
Oct. 18, 2017 | Open house: 6-6:30 p.m., Assembly: 6:30-8 p.m.
Lake Keomah State Park Lodge (2720 Keomah Lane, Oskaloosa, IA 52577)



Lake Keomah State Park

From open water to deep woods, Lake Keomah State Park is home to a variety of landscapes, and animal habitats. Bullfrogs hide in the marshes, wild birds fly up from the grasslands and channel catfish bury into the mud. In the fall, the leaves change and attract many park-goers. The woodland provides many hiking trails and during the winter months, park-goers often run their snowmobiles through the trails. The state government protects the park.

REAP funding for this project: $884,384 

Region 15

Total REAP investment in Region 15: $11,152,089

Davis CountyJefferson CountyKeokuk CountyMahaska CountyVan Buren CountyWapello County