REAP In Your Region: Wickiup Hill Natural Area, Lake Macbride State Park and more in eastern Iowa

By Haley Hodges on October 12, 2017 in Blog

For the next six weeks, INHF will be sharing the impact Iowa's REAP program has in communities throughout the state. The Iowa DNR is hosting regional REAP Assemblies until Oct. 26, local meetings that allow residents to learn more about REAP and play a role in the programs policies and projects. Find the full REAP Assembly schedule here. 


Region 10

Benton, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn, Washington

REAP Assembly – Iowa City
Oct. 12, 2017 | Open house: 6-6:30 p.m., Assembly: 6:30-8 p.m.

Terry Trueblood Rec. Area - Park Lodge (579 McCollister Blvd., Iowa City, IA 52240)



Wickiup Hill Natural Area

Though Cedar Rapids is the second largest city in Iowa, the area is home to only one major natural feature: the Cedar River. Luckily, through REAP funding and other protection efforts, the greenbelt surrounding the river is able to serve its purpose as a natural filter. Starting in 2002, with the addition of the Wickiup Hill Natural Area, Iowans have also had the opportunity to learn about wetlands, woodlands and wildlife. Between miles of trail, Indian mounds and an outdoor learning center, Wickiup Hill is quite the destination.

REAP funding for this project: $799,925

Region 10

Total REAP investment in Region 10: $25,337,408
