Sandhill Crane & Prairie Chicken Bus Tour
By Kerri on February 20, 2014 in Blog
Linn County Conservation and Buchanan County Conservation have an exciting opportunity for bird enthusiasts this spring. The Sandhill Crane & Prairie Chicken Bus Tour will visit Nebraska’s best sites for viewing sandhill cranes and prairie chickens. Sandhill cranes flock to the plains of Nebraska and the trip will provide an excellent chance to view these special birds. The tour is March 27th – 30th with bus pickups in Hiawatha, Independence and Waterloo.
There is also an impressive line-up of museums along the way as well as a visit to the Omaha zoo. It's the perfect trip for folks who would love see these amazing birds and locations but aren't sure where to go or how to get there.
The deadline for registration is Wednesday, February 26th. In order for the trip to be possible, a minimum of 30 people must sign up. A great outing for friends and family!
Click the link for a PDF with more information about the weekend agenda and trip, plus a registration form: Crane Bus Tour_OnlinePDF
If you have questions, contact Jessica Rilling at Linn County Conservation.