What is REAP?
By Taylor on August 20, 2013 in Blog

The High Trestle Trail is one of INHF’s projects recently funded by REAP.
If you've enjoyed public lands and Iowa's beautiful natural resources, there is a good chance REAP played a part in their enhancement and preservation.
REAP is an all-Iowa, state conservation funding source formally named the Resource Enhancement and Protection program. It was inaugurated on May 27, 1989, and three short years later was recognized as one of the nation's most responsive and progressive environmental programs, according to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
These days, REAP remains a functioning funding source for many conservation projects in Iowa. REAP provides money for projects through state agency budgets or in the form of grants depending on the individual programs.
REAP funding has greatly impacted the land protection opportunities over the past 25 years. Many INHF projects have come to fruition with REAP funding accompanied by generous private donations.
To learn more about the Resource Enhancement and Protection program and it's important role in preserving Iowa's land, water and wildlife, visit inhf.org/reap.cfm.