Who knew helping Iowa could be so easy?
By Taylor on February 19, 2013 in Blog
Written by INHF Board Member Carole Reichardt
The first time I went to the Iowa State Capitol to talk with my legislator, I admit it was a bit intimidating. Little did I know how easy it would be!
Once I fully recognized that they represented me in our political system and were also from my “neck of the woods,” I really enjoyed the face-to-face conversations.
It is most likely a brief but important conversation – talking about something you care deeply about. Surprisingly, legislators hear from very few of their constituents while in office and actually appreciate these one-on-one visits.
If you care about Iowa land, water or wildlife, Conservation Day at the Capitol is an excellent opportunity to let your legislators know that.
When you feel strongly about these issues, it's important to talk with someone who can DO something about them!
So let's go beyond griping to ourselves and our friends. This is an easy way to let your voice be heard, joining together with others and sharing our concerns for this place we call home!
If you've never talked with a legislator before, the perfect time to do it is next Tuesday morning, February 26, at Conservation Day at the Capitol.
At 8 a.m. you can gather for a casual training session with others who care about Iowa nature. Those who have done this before can “take you under their wing” — walk with you across the street to the Capitol, help you find your legislator, and even be with you as you express yourself.
Come join us.
To learn more about the event, visit the INHF website.