Bill Introduced to Fund the Trust in Iowa Senate
Posted on February 6, 2020 in Press Center
A statement from INHF President Joe McGovern:
"Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation applauds the introduction of Senate Study Bill 3116, which would fund the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. INHF has been working for more than a decade to fund the Trust, and this substantial, reliable funding will mean cleaner water, healthier soil, more wildlife habitat and more outdoor recreation opportunities for Iowans.
We believe there are parts of the bill that address the Trust Fund that could be improved, and we look forward to working with legislators to address those issues. Our main concern is maintaining the integrity of the Trust Fund in a way that benefits all Iowans and honors their investment in our natural resources and outdoor recreation.
The bill was introduced into the Senate Ways & Means Committee late Wednesday, February 5. At this time, there is no hearing scheduled for the bill. When the time is appropriate, we may ask you to use your voice — to speak with legislators about how to make this bill the best for Iowa.
We appreciate all you’ve done to advocate for funding the Trust Fund over the last 10 years. This is an exciting development, and we’ll do our best to keep you informed about the next steps."