Acorn Crew: Leaves

By Sydney Algreen-Hunter on November 22, 2023 in Blog

Explore leaves with INHF's Acorn Crew

The Acorn Crew is INHF's initiative to get children and families outdoors! Find more self-guided activities for you and your family and links to other resources to get outside together through our Acorn Crew page

With mild temperatures, enjoy the last few weeks of fall by exploring leaves! Here are five easy and fun activities to do with your family or enjoy on your own.

Child holding leaves in front of their face.1. Collect leaves to make a leaf bouquet. Oak and maple leaves, with their varied colors, are a great place to start.
2. Use a leaf blower or rake to create paths in leaves, creating a leaf maze.
3. Make leaf angels! Just like you would in snow...but with leaves.
4. Read leaf-themed books. A few favorites include the "Leaf Thief" by Alice Hemming, "Leaf Jumpers" by Carol Gerber, and "If You Find a Leaf" by Aimee Sicuro.
5. Leave the leaves in your yard! Save time and help out insects by leaving the leaves in your yard or consider other minimal leaf clean-up options like mowing. Many invertebrates rely on leaves to survive Iowa's cold weather. Leave the leaves in your yard and you'll be able to explore them all winter long looking for signs of overwintering bugs. Learn more about leaves as habitat through the Xerces Society