DIY: Mini Terrarium

By Taylor on November 20, 2012 in Blog

Better Homes & Gardens

With a snowy winter looming closer and closer, the days of bright green foliage are limited – at least outdoors.

But who says you can’t bring a little bit of nature inside to hold you over until spring?

These mini, Mason jar terrariums are the perfect way to spruce up a room at the same time as you enjoy a splash of bright green during those chilly winter months.

What you’ll need:

  • A jar of some sort – spice jars & mason jars work well
  • Dried & fresh moss
  • Gravel
  • Terrarium soil
  • Chopsticks
  • A plant mister

Use your plant mister to ensure that the terrarium soil is moist. Arrange the materials in the jar, bottom to top, as follows: gravel, dry moss, soil, live moss.

With your chopsticks arrange the moss and other items you wish to use to decorate your terrarium. Mist the entire terrarium a final time and secure the lid.

Tip: Place your terrarium in a shady spot where it will only receive filtered light – otherwise excessive condensation may form inside the jar, causing mold.