Lending a hand to the land

By Taylor on August 4, 2015 in Blog

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(All photos by Lexi Ruskell)

Over 70 people lent a hand to the land on July 15 at Cedar Hills Sand Prairie in Black Hawk County. The event was a collaboration between six Iowa land trusts, including INHF, and the University of Northern Iowa’s Tallgrass Prairie Center, which hosted the Iowa Prairie Conference. The Nature Conservancy’s land stewardship team led the slightly overcast volunteer day, though the weather conditions ended up being perfect for working in the open space of the prairie.

The volunteers split into two groups: the first removed common mullein from what will one day be a thriving restored prairie; the second removed small brush from the remnant sand prairie after which the property is named. Then the groups came back together for a lunch of sandwiches and lemonade.

INHF president Joe McGovern’s words stuck with the volunteers all day:

“We’re in this together—this gathering can show the world that what we have to say [regarding the conservation, protection and restoration of a prairie] is important.”

Click to view slideshow.

Learn more about our volunteer program. INHF volunteer coordinator Mary Runkel contributed to this post.
