Meet INHF's 2020 Summer Interns

By Daria Mather on June 1, 2020 in Blog

Statewide Land Stewardship Interns

Intern JamesJames Boatright

Hometown: Des Moines, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Mayapple
University: Central College
Major(s): Environmental Studies: Sustainability
What are you excited about: "I think what I am most excited about this summer is learning about all the many plants and animals we are going to see! I can't wait to learn how to identify them all (or at least some of them) and understand what their role in a prairie is."

Intern ThomasThomas Haywood

Hometown: Eldora, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Cottonwood
University: Iowa State University
Major(s): Forestry
What are you excited about: "Learning new information all summer and getting to know some amazing people." 

Intern SavannaSavanna Henning

Hometown: Ankeny, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Barred Owl
University: Central College
Major(s): Biology, French
What are you excited about: "Exploring Iowa's native ecosystems everyday and networking with people who share a passion for conservation!"

Intern ElijahElijah Hoffman

Hometown: Des Moines, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Brook Trout
University: Des Moines Area Community College
What are you excited about: "I’m excited to become more familiar with the ecology of Iowa and to be in the field restoring our state’s plant and animal communities!"

Intern Joe

Joseph McGovern

Hometown: Bondurant, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Bur Oak or Mink
University: Iowa State University
Major(s): Animal Ecology
What are you excited about: "I am very excited to do some amazing and meaningful work on the land this summer, to see the positive impact that it has and can have on the ecosystem, and to learn as much as I can about what good land stewardship looks like. I'm also looking forward to getting to see parts of the state that I've never been to before."

Intern ReneaRenea McNemee

Hometown: Lawrence, KS
Favorite native plant/animal: Lousewort or Cream genitian
University: Iowa State University
Major(s): Environmental Science; Minor: Sustainability
What are you excited about: "I’m excited to be a part of the hands on stewardship and experience what restoration in Iowa is really like. Ready to be outside all summer and find more career paths that I could grow towards that involve conservation."

Intern KateKate Wilson

Hometown: Iowa City, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Cup plant/ River Otter
University: Drake University
Major(s): Environmental Science, Spanish
​What are you excited about: "Learning everything I can about Iowa’s prairies and getting my hands dirty!"

Blufflands Stewardship Interns

Jeannie EtnyreIntern Jeannie

Hometown: Pella, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Jack in the Pulpit
University: Iowa State University
Major(s): Environmental Science
What are you excited about: "Excited to learn more about native plants and animals and see NE Iowa landscape."

Joe FriedenIntern Joe

Hometown: Waukon, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Yellow Lady's Slipper or Blue Spotted Salamander
University: 2020 Graduate of Upper Iowa University
Major(s): Conservation Management
What are you excited about: "Since this is my second year of being an intern I'm most excited about returning to the areas I worked on in 2018 and seeing the differences that were made."

Maximilian WalkerIntern Max

Hometown: Madison, WI
Favorite native plant/animal: Bee Balm
University: Luther College
Major(s): Environmental Science
What are you excited about: "I am excited to be more proficient with identifying some of the plants native to Iowa."

Allison NorrisIntern Allison

Hometown: Diagonal, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Painted Turtle
University: 2020 Graduate of Upper Iowa University
Major(s): Conservation Management
What are you excited about: "All of the learning opportunities we will have in the field while getting to explore nature and do our part in helping these habitats thrive."

Office Interns

Intern SydneySydney Samples | Conservation Programs Intern

Hometown: Des Moines, IA
Favorite native plant/animal: Butterfly milkweed
University: Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Major(s): Masters in International Environmental Policy
What are you excited about: "I am most excited about helping on projects that connect more Iowan's to nature and protect Iowa's prairies, wetlands, and water quality. I'm also excited to explore different prairies this summer."

Zoe Hanna | Graphic Design InternIntern Zoe

Hometown: Tulsa, OK
Favorite native plant/animal: Wild geranium
University: 2020 Graduate of Drake University
Major(s): Graphic Design and Writing 
What are you excited about: "I'm excited to continue learning about Iowa's nature, especially now that more and more plants are in bloom."

Daria Mather | Communications InternIntern Daria

Hometown: Peoria, IL
Favorite native plant/animal: Purple Cone Flower
University: 2020 Graduate of Simpson College
Major(s):  Multimedia Journalism
                                                    What are you excited about: "I'm most excited about learning more about native plants and animals in Iowa and being able to share that knowledge through my writing."

Ongoing COVID-19 Precautions

Staff and interns are all aware of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and have taken every precaution necessary. Social distancing practices will be in place and enforced by supervisors. Through these challenges, the interns will still be able to have a great experience while they work on the land and help us reach our stewardship goals. Interns will not be sharing equipment, traveling separately and making sure to stay six feet apart in the field.